Managing Consultant
One of the UK’s leading diversity psychologists, Tinu uses behavioural science to enable organisations to design innovative and effective diversity and inclusion interventions. Tinu supports the delivery of comprehensive organisational change frameworks and charters that successfully ensure the progression of women and BME’s in organisations.
Tinu co-authored two scientific evidence reviews on unconscious bias, most recently for the Equality and Human Rights Commission and she consults and trains on unconscious bias for a range of high profile clients in the private, governmental and higher education sectors.
Tinu facilitates career and leadership development for women and minority ethnic individuals based on cutting edge research. Tinu is founder and Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion at Work Group, sponsored by the Division of Occupational Psychology of the British Psychological Society and is the co- editor of the group’s publication ‘The Psychology of Ethnicity in Organizations’.

Our Consultants
Our consultants combine exceptional practitioner experience with scholarship and personal commitment to making a difference in the work that we do with our clients. Choosing us marks you out as a thought leader and innovator in your sector and in return your success is our success. We recognise that the journey is as important as the destination and pride ourselves on our positive and collaborative relationships with clients. We recognise that for our clients when their equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives are a success, not only is this better for the business it also contributes to the greater good which motivates us to do our best for our clients.