We can carry out research and review of your own organisation as well as carry innovative research on EDI on your behalf. In many organisational interventions a range of different techniques will be used but we can also offer them separately as needed.
Rapid evidence review
Rapid evidence reviews are an important step in understanding ‘what works’ in respect to designing EDI interventions. Either as part of a larger research project or as stand alone piece of work we can carry out an evidence review using a robust and transparent methodology. By using a rigorous process we can ensure that the research evidence used to inform decision making is good quality and unbiased by the researchers own presuppositions about a subject area.
Data gathering and analysis
Collecting the right data and then analysing it appropriately will enable you to pinpoint, specifically, where and your organisations inequity challenges lie and equally where they do not lie. We will advise you on the relevant hard (quantitative) and soft (qualitative) data to collect and suggest ways of analysing and presenting the data so that the ‘story’ the data has to tell is clear to both expert and non-expert stakeholders alike. We have expertise in analysing qualitative data using NVivo ensuring the rigour of that form of analysis.
Focus groups and surveys
We have a track record of using focus groups and surveys to assess the lived experience of minoritised individuals in orgnisations. In addition to providing expert facilitation of the focus groups we can administer all the administration so that complete anonymity can be guaranteed. We also design and manage the whole process of conducting staff surveys. Once the data is collected we will complete a comprehensive report with detailed recommendations.
We carryout robust impact and process evaluations of projects and initiatives using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. Impact evaluations enable orgnisations to assess whether an initiative or change has achieved its aims and whether there has been any unintended positive or negative outcomes not originally designed for. A process evaluation explores the methods used to achieve the change, how effective these have been, including the experience of the people involved in the change or initiative.
We can also design an impact evaluation into all of our comprehensive change process from the onset. Diversity initiatives can be resource intensive so it is vital that organisations can identify which initiatives are worthwhile and which are not? Without impact analysis organisations will not be able to know which actions have made a difference, so that they can identify ‘what works’ and what does not? Armed with this knowledge organisations can be confident that a specific outcome is the direct result of their actions enabling sharing of best practice and sustainability.